Manually Removing an OSD From Your Ceph Cluster (without moving all your data multiple times)

The process of manually removing an OSD from your ceph cluster, as documented on the current, official ceph docs (Luminous release as of this writing) will result in data being re-balanced twice. Luckily Sébastien Han told us how to do it correctly on his blog in 2015. This is mainly a rehash of what he said (so I can always find it) with minor updates. Note, this is for planned disk removal, not post-failure. Continue reading “Manually Removing an OSD From Your Ceph Cluster (without moving all your data multiple times)”

Running DirecTV With Off-Grid Solar Power

I have been building a small (but growing) off-grid solar power system for my home as a bit of an experiment. Part technology geekery, part environmentalist, and part prepper, it has been going well. More details on the system later. One of my first goals was to make sure that our DirecTV system would function without mains power and the first part of that is the dc power required by the dish to operate. If you have DirecTV (I would guess that most other DBS systems are similar) then you probably have one of these that the installer wedged behind your media center out of site.

Continue reading “Running DirecTV With Off-Grid Solar Power”